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Jesus taught that all scripture testifies about him so that in him we might have life (John 5v39-40). King David taught that it is only by living according to God's word that we're kept on the right path (Psalm 119v9). What then could be better than reading the entire Bible? Click the menu to read about the program, choose a month or Bible book - or just work through the blog posts day by day.

(595) 19 August : Proverbs 27v20 / Mark 1 / Psalm 119v81-84

"Lord open my eyes and my heart."

Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world.

Wisdom to chew on
Proverbs 27:20

Understanding to grow in
Early Christian tradition tells us Mark recorded his gospel from Peter. It was probably written in the 50s or 60s AD. And it starts, giving us a taste of what the kingdom of God will be like, for Jesus taught that with him it had "come near." First we see that it's centre is Jesus himself. He is the long expected Messianic king. But John testifies to him as "the Lord" himself, and the Father testifies at his baptism that he is God the Son. And he comes dispensing God's forgiveness to the repentant, so that they can enter the coming kingdom. Indeed, in being led by the Spirit to be tempted for forty days in the desert, he displays that he obeys perfectly where Israel failed during their 40 years in the desert. This makes him qualified to be their king, but also able to grant them his righteous standing. The only right response is therefore to leave everything and "follow" Jesus, listening intently to his teaching. Second, we see this kingdom will mean freedom from all that came into the world through the fall in Eden. So Jesus casts out evil with a word, heals the sick, and cleanses the unclean. As you read note what we learn about Jesus.
Mark 1

Finish this reading by pausing to ask yourself:
1) What’s the main thing it teaches me about God or his purposes in Christ? Then praise him for this.
2) What’s the main thing it teaches me about his will for me or the world? Then pray that home.

Devotion to offer up
You could read this aloud and perhaps as a springboard to further prayer.