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Showing posts from October, 2019


Jesus taught that all scripture testifies about him so that in him we might have life (John 5v39-40). King David taught that it is only by living according to God's word that we're kept on the right path (Psalm 119v9). What then could be better than reading the entire Bible? Click the menu to read about the program, choose a month or Bible book - or just work through the blog posts day by day.

(669) 1 November : Proverbs 29v23 / 1 Peter 3 / Psalm 137:1-3

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:23 Understanding to grow in Godliness matters primarily because it pleases God. But also because it commends the gospel. So wives are called to the beauty of a willing submission to their husbands - and especially so any non-Christian husbands might be won over to consider the gospel. Such a command goes against the grain of our culture. But it is not a sanction of abuse. It is a means to harmony, recognizing that in marriage husbands are called to take the lead, caring and respecting for their wives and seeing them as equal hiers of salvation (3v7). Godliness is also to mark evangelism. Believers must "revere Christ as Lord" and so be prepared to face whatever hostility comes in shar

(668) 31 October : Proverbs 29v22 / 1 Peter 2 / Psalm 136:23-26

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:22 Understanding to grow in What are we here for? It's a profound question that Peter answers for Christians. We have the unfathomable dignity of being spiritual stones in the temple that is the church, in which God is present in this world. So we are to be a holy and royal priesthood: First, in offering our lives to God in obedience. Second, in declaring God's excellence to the world. And the two are related. For as "pagans" see our good deeds they come to listen to our message, and so "glorify God on the day he visits." This is a reason why we should submit to authorities and respect everyone. And if this means suffering, we are to remember that this is to follow t

(667) 30 October : Proverbs 29v21 / 1 Peter 1 / Psalm 136:16-22

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:21 Understanding to grow in Peter probably write this letter in the mid-60s AD, to encourage persecuted Christians who felt like "exiles" from home as they lived in this world. It resonates much with how Christians feel today. Peter starts with the reminder that this is to be expected, because we've been chosen to be apart from the world and obedient to Jesus. That's the idea of being "sanctified" - literally, to be made holy or set-apart in the service of God. He then moves to a reminder of our true home - the imperishable "inheritance" that is "kept in heaven" for us and that we will definitely receive because God keeps us. This means we can rej

(666) 29 October : Proverbs 29v20 / 2 Chronicles 35v20-36v23 / Psalm 136:10-15

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:20 Understanding to grow in Though we may be unfaithful to God, he will not be unfaithful to us. As with previous kings, Josiah showed himself fallible, foolishly engaging in Egypt’s conflict without enquiring of the LORD, blind to the fact that this was “opposing God.” Yet this proved God’s means of saving Josiah as promised (34v28), and didn’t detract from his supremacy as king. The next three kings did evil, reflecting the decline of the southern kingdom as both the monarchy and temple are repeatedly removed. The sin of the kings and people is confirmed under Zedekiah. He refused to humble himself before God’s word, broke his oath in God’s name by rebelling against Nebuchadnezzar, and wo

(665) 28 October : Proverbs 29v19 / 2 Chronicles 33:21-35:19 / Psalm 136:4-9

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:19 Understanding to grow in If we hadn't got the point by this point, it is now made clear: Our response to God's written word is our response to God. So, when the good king Josiah is presented with "the book of the law" (perhaps Deuteronomy) found in the temple, he realises the danger the people are in for disobeying it. He is, however, a model of obedience. Not only has he torn down the people's idols and ensured repairs are done to the temple, but on hearing the contents of the book, he repents on behalf of the people, renews God's covenant with them, and celebrates the passover "as it is written in the Book of Moses." It causes us to consider our response

(662) 25 October : Proverbs 29v18 / 2 Chronicles 32:1-33:20 / Psalm 136:1-3

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:18 Understanding to grow in Believers are not guaranteed freedom from hardship. “After all that Hezekiah had so faithfully done” Assyria still invaded. And at such times it is our response that makes the difference. Militarily, Hezekiah acted wisely. But most significantly, he pointed his people to the LORD. The issue was one of confidence in God. It is questioned by Sennacherib who assumes Hezekiah’s reforms will have offended God by removing the means of false worship, and who claims that "no god" has been able to resist the Assyrians. But the author is almost blasé about the ease of God’s response. Hezekiah and Isaiah “cry out in prayer to heaven," and he sends an angel who an

(661) 24 October : Proverbs 29v17 / 2 Chronicles 30-31 / Psalm 135:19-21

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:17 Understanding to grow in Continuing his holy ambition for reform, Hezekiah and the key people in Judah celebrate the Passover. Rather than wait another year, they chose to do it a month later when sufficient priests were consecrated (Num 9v9-11), and invite those in both kingdoms to join them. Their letter urges the people to return to God and not be unfaithful as others were, so that God would return to them and, in compassion, and move the captors to let their exiled family members return to the land (as Judah experienced in 28v9-15). Some scorned this, showing how deserved God’s judgement on Israel was. Others humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem, picturing the united kingdom that was

(660) 23 October : Proverbs 29v16 / 2 Chronicles 29 / Psalm 135:15-18

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:16 Understanding to grow in What Ahaz undid in terms of the temple, Hezekiah restored, displaying the concern for worship necessary if the people were to love and obey God, and so have their kingdom endure. The temple was to be reconsecrated because of its defilement by the unfaithfulness of previous generations. For this reason, Hezekiah said God’s anger had fallen on Judah and Jerusalem, causing them to be conquered and led into captivity (28v5-8, 17-18). We’re told what was done was “according to the word of the LORD” which may refer to previous instructions (1 Chr 28v11-19), the law (Deut 12v2-4), or even some prophetic command. One considers Jesus cleansing the temple by driving out all th

(659) 22 October : Proverbs 29v15 / 2 Chronicles 27-28 / Psalm 135:13-14

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:15 Understanding to grow in The lesson is clear: "Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the LORD his God" (27v6). He did even better than his dad. His problem was that he couldn’t ensure that the people did the same. Instead they “continued their corrupt practices,” showing the need of a king who could actually change the hearts of his people. King Ahaz couldn't have been more different. He was the antithesis of the king God’s people needed, not only following the idolatry of the kings of Israel, but sacrificing his sons like the Canaanite nations! And, because kings influence people we read “Judah had forsaken the LORD” (27v6, 19). And so they experienced a so

(658) 21 October : Proverbs 29v14 / 2 Chronicles 25-26 / Psalm 135:8-12

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:14 Understanding to grow in Both today's kings start well only to fall. A lesson to all. For Amaziah, we're told it was because he did not serve the LORD "wholeheartedly.” He punished his father’s murderers which followed the law (25v4), and listened to the prophet who rebuked him for hiring Israelite mercenaries. The prophet explained that “the LORD is not with Israel,” as is well able to offset the financial loss. We are to do right whatever the consequences, and trust God if this brings difficulty. And bad decisions will themselves have repercussions, seen in the disgruntled mercenaries raided Judah. Yet despite this imperfect but commendible start, Amaziah brought back Seir’s g

(655) 18 October : Proverbs 29v13 / 2 Chronicles 23-24 / Psalm 135:5-7

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:13 Understanding to grow in Here we see the focus of Chronicles: God’s promise to David will only be fulfilled in a king who remains righteous and retains a concern to build the temple and so promote true worship (1 Chro 17v11-14). The problem in Judah is that whenever kings start to show promise, they fall. Ahaziah’s mother destroyed the whole royal family (22v10-12). However, David’s line continued because Joash was hidden for six years by his aunt, the wife of Jehoida the priest. In the seventh year, Jehoida then covenanted with some commanders to gather the Levites and family heads in order to crown Joash. Jehoida also made a covenant that the king and people would be the LORD’s, and true

(654) 17 October : Proverbs 29v12 / 2 Chronicles 21-22 / Psalm 135:1-4

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:12 Understanding to grow in Despite doing evil like Ahab and the other kings of Israel, Jehoram enjoyed an established rule over Judah because of God’s promise to David. Nevertheless, because he forsook God Libnah rose up against Judah. Jehoram’s sin must have been great as he received a personal letter from Elijah who was a prophet to the northern kingdom not the southern one. Jehoram had not only committed idolatry but led Judah to also, as well as murdering his brothers. And so God punished him by having the Philistines carry off everything from his palace together with his sons and wives (except Ahaziah, so David’s line could continue). He also afflicted him with a disease that eventually k

(653) 16 October : Proverbs 29v11 / 2 Chronicles 19:4-20:37 / Psalm 134

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:11 Understanding to grow in Here we see the difference godly leaders can make. Jehoshaphat appoints judges, instructing them to judge justly, and so for God not man, “who is with you whenever you give a verdict.” Likewise Jesus promises to be especially present when the church judges Christians in sin (Matt 18v15-20). Jehoshaphat also appoints priests and Levites to administer the law and settle disputes, urging them to be faithful and warn people against sin so that God’s wrath doesn’t come upon them as leaders. Surely this is a word to today’s ministers when tempted not to speak plainly about sin and its consequences. Jehoshaphat's uprightness is further proved when faced with an enemy. h

(652) 15 October : Proverbs 29v10 / 2 Chronicles 16:1-19:3 / Psalm 133

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:10 Understanding to grow in It's not just about being faithful today, but remaining faithful. Asa didn't. He looted God's temple to buy a foreign kings help rather than rely on the Lord. And even when he was sick he didn't seek the Lord's help. But what encouragement for those who do look to him: "The eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him" (16v9). Jehoshaphat was just such a man - seeking God and being devoted to his ways. So God protected and prospered him. However, even Jehoshaphat compromised. He was prepared to point the king of the northern kingdom of Israel to the Lord. But was rebuked for bein

(651) 14 October : Proverbs 29v9 / 2 Chronicles 13-15 / Psalm 132v10-18

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:9 Understanding to grow in "The people of Judah were victorious because they relied on the LORD" (13v18). And so it is in our spiritual battle against sin, the flesh, and the devil. For "the LORD is with" those who are "with him" (15v2). By contrast, the northern kingdom of Israel and the Cushites attacked Judah whilst committed to idolatry. They were therefore defeated. Asa is noted for his realisation of this, and so his readiness to reform his kingdom and rid it of idols. We should be ready to do the same in our church and in our own mini-kingdoms - our lives and our families. As you read note the various right responses to the LORD. 2 Chronicles 13-15 Finish

(648) 11 October : Proverbs 29v8 / 2 Chronicles 11-12 / Psalm 132v6-9

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:8 Understanding to grow in The critical thing is that we stick with the Lord. God had promised an everlasting kingdom to David's descendants. And so with the splitting of the kingdom, "those who set their hearts on seeking the LORD" move south to be part of the southern kingdom bound up with his grandson. But note that they follow the example of the priests and Levites. When the Northern King showed he'd rejected them by setting up an alternative priesthood to minister before idols, they abandoned their homes and livelihoods for the sake of the Lord and moved to Judah and Jerusalem where the faithful worship of God was being promoted. The parallels aren't identical, but this 

(647) 10 October : Proverbs 29v7 / 2 Chronicles 9-10 / Psalm 132v1-5

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:7 Understanding to grow in Leadership can change the fate of a nation dramatically. Chapter 9 recounts Solomon's greatness. As was always God's intent for Israel and her kings, he receives acknowledgment from the nations, seen particularly in the Queen of Sheba praising God for establishing Solomon's throne and granting him the wisdom to reign in righteousness. 9v22-24 sums it up: He was "greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth." Indeed, they sought his counsel and brought him tribute. So under him Israel was blessed. But all changes with Rehoboam. He ignores his father's counsellors for that of the young and inexperienced. He therefore lacks wi

(646) 9 October : Proverbs 29v6 / 2 Chronicles 7-8 / Psalm 131

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:6 Understanding to grow in With the manifestation of his glory that may have remained in the temple throughout, and the consuming of the sacrifices, God signalled his approval of Solomon's great project. The people rightly worshipped face-down, joining the musicians in thanking God for his goodness and love. Worship is always the most fitting response to a revelation of God’s glory and special presence. The king and people then offered 44,000 animals - a huge display of devotion and of the necessity of atonement if God is to dwell amongst his people. The implication is that this “dedicated” the temple to God, perhaps by reflecting devotion or by making atonement. Solomon also “cons

(645) 8 October : Proverbs 29v5 / 2 Chronicles 5-6 / Psalm 130v5-8

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:5 Understanding to grow in The high point for Israel was God coming to be present in their temple, seen in his glory visible filling it. Previously he had a tent because he was journeying with them, but now he takes up permanent residence - although Solomon stresses he cannot be contained in a building. And his presence brings three key responses: First, sacrifice - for unless sin is atoned for his presence is dangerous. Second, celebration - for the one present is good and his love endures forever for his people. Third, prayer - for he is there to listen. Here, Solomon's prayer is that God would keep to his promises given to the people through Moses and given to David as king. So he prays tha

(644) 7 October : Proverbs 29v4 / 2 Chronicles 3-4 / Psalm 130v1-4

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:4 Understanding to grow in Significant is that the location of the temple was not only Arunah’s threshing floor (1 Chr 21), but Mount Moriah, which Abraham named “the LORD will provide” after he provided a ram so Abraham didn’t have to sacrifice Isaac. Here God would now provide atonement through the sacrificing of animals until one day sacrificing his own son to make that atonement full and permanent. The details of the temple were a reminder of Eden, and stress its magnificence. For example, its altar (mentioned only in passing in 1 Kings 7v48) is around four times bigger than that in the tabernacle. And the “sea” (bowl) used by the priests for washing, is seven and a half feet in diameter, hold

(641) 4 October : Proverbs 29v3 / 2 Chronicles 1-2 / Psalm 129v5-8

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:3 Understanding to grow in With Solomon, Israel's golden age begins. The Lord is with him. And he is the ideal king, asking the Lord for wisdom when he could have asked for anything. Here, the stress in this section is on his piety more than his greatness. He sets about constructing the temple, confessing the Lord's supremacy, yet acknowledging he cannot be contained by a building. But we also see Solomon is served by those from the nations (2v11, 17). The Israelite who knew the scriptures must have wondered if he was the ruler Jacob promised would receive the obedience of the nations (Gen 49v10), which might also make him the offspring of Abraham to bring blessing to the world (Gen 12v1-9

(640) 3 October : Proverbs 29v2 / 1 Chronicles 29 / Psalm 129v1-4

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:2 Understanding to grow in A key way devotin to God is expressed is in giving generously to him. One thinks of the woman who anointed Jesus with perfume worth a year's wages (Jn 12v5). So David and the people give "freely and wholeheartedly" to God by giving to the building of his house. It's a model of how we give to the building up of the church as the place he now resides on earth. David's song affirms how worthy of this the Lord is. His geatness makes him worthy, but also the fact that everything is his anyway, and by his hand we have not only been given much but brought to be his people. Moreover, David affirms how our lives are brief. It makes no sense then to hang on t

(639) 2 October : Proverbs 29v1 / 1 Chronicles 28 / Psalm 128v5-6

BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on Proverbs 29:1 Understanding to grow in The entire book of 1 Chronicles has built up to the building of the temple. It tells us that God's presence coming to live amongst his people is our greatest need and priviledge. It is what was in Eden (Gen 3v8) and will be in eternity (Rev 21v3). So David repeats his heartfelt concern to build “a house” as “a place of rest” for “the ark” – signifying God’s presence, but is clear that God cannot truly dwell in a building. He then notes God’s rejection of him as builder (see notes ch. 22), but marvels that he has chosen him to be king and his son to sit on the throne, build the temple, and have an everlasting kingdom “if” he continues to be unswerving in obeying God’s