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Jesus taught that all scripture testifies about him so that in him we might have life (John 5v39-40). King David taught that it is only by living according to God's word that we're kept on the right path (Psalm 119v9). What then could be better than reading the entire Bible? Click the menu to read about the program, choose a month or Bible book - or just work through the blog posts day by day.

(640) 3 October : Proverbs 29v2 / 1 Chronicles 29 / Psalm 129v1-4

"Lord open my eyes and my heart."

Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world.

Wisdom to chew on
Proverbs 29:2

Understanding to grow in
A key way devotin to God is expressed is in giving generously to him. One thinks of the woman who anointed Jesus with perfume worth a year's wages (Jn 12v5). So David and the people give "freely and wholeheartedly" to God by giving to the building of his house. It's a model of how we give to the building up of the church as the place he now resides on earth. David's song affirms how worthy of this the Lord is. His geatness makes him worthy, but also the fact that everything is his anyway, and by his hand we have not only been given much but brought to be his people. Moreover, David affirms how our lives are brief. It makes no sense then to hang on to material things. Far wiser, to display our love for the one whom we will face when life ends. Jesus makes the same point to the man who hoards his goods in barns (Lk 12v16-21). Davids prayer then turns to ask the Lord to keep the hearts of his people and his son loyal to him - something that can only occur by God's power. Solomon is then acknolwedge as king a second time, and receives the people's allegiance in the context of great joy. How much more should we rejoice in giving Christ our allegiance, in the context of God being present within his church. As you read, note the different things that should bring us joy.
1 Chronicles 29

Finish this reading by pausing to ask yourself:
1) What’s the main thing it teaches me about God or his purposes in Christ? Then praise him for this.
2) What’s the main thing it teaches me about his will for me or the world? Then pray that home.

Devotion to offer up
You could read this aloud and perhaps as a springboard to further prayer.