Jesus taught that all scripture testifies about him so that in him we might have life (John 5v39-40). King David taught that it is only by living according to God's word that we're kept on the right path (Psalm 119v9). What then could be better than reading the entire Bible? Click the menu to read about the program, choose a month or Bible book - or just work through the blog posts day by day.
Congratulation on finishing the two year Bible reading program!! If you want to do it again or have friends who would like to, I won't be republishing things every day. However, if you go to this link , you can access each day as an individual pdf, according to the date in the file title: eg. "20180101 - Two year Bible reading program" is that of 1 January in the first year (which was 2018). BEGIN WITH PRAYER "Lord open my eyes and my heart." Read slowly so that you take in. And as you do, turn your heart to God, thanking him for the good you discover and praying his will home for you, your family, your church and the world. Wisdom to chew on The wife of nobel character... Proverbs 31:29-31 Understanding to grow in What a way to end. We started with a pair as God's people, we end with a great multitude. We started in a garden as God's place, we end in a flourishing and renewed creation. We started with a pair obeying God with...